
// overridable attributes for generator built-in templates and library input templates

attributes navigate{ class = "navigate" }
attributes downloadlink{ class = "downloadlink" }
attributes outputimage{ class = "outputimage" }
attributes submit{ class = "button" }
attributes submitlink{ }
attributes form{ }
attributes navigatebutton{ }
attributes captcha{ }
attributes image{ }

attributes inputInt{ class = "inputInt" }
attributes inputBool{ class = "inputBool" }
attributes inputString{ class = "inputString" }
attributes inputEmail{ class = "inputEmail" }
attributes inputSecret{ class = "inputSecret" }
attributes inputURL{ class = "inputURL" }
attributes inputText{ class = "inputTextarea inputText" }
attributes inputWikiText{ class = "inputTextarea inputWikiText" }
attributes inputFloat{ class = "inputFloat" }
attributes inputLong{ class = "inputLong" }
attributes inputDate{ class = "inputDate" }
attributes inputSetCheckbox{ class = "checkbox-set" }
attributes inputSetCheckboxElements{ class = "checkbox-set-element" }
attributes inputSelect{ class = "select" }
attributes inputSelectMultiple{ class = "select" }
attributes inputFile{ class = "inputFile" }
attributes inputMultiFile{ class = "inputFile" }
attributes inputSDF{ class = "inputSDF" }
attributes radio{ class = "radio" }

// page request statistics

native class utils.Statistics as RequestStatistics{
static logStatistics()

function logStatistics(){

invoke logStatistics() every 5 minutes

// hibbernate transaction management

native class utils.IncludePaths as IncludePaths{
static jQueryJS(): String
static jQueryUIJS(): String
static jQueryUITouchPunchJS(): String
static jQueryUICSS(): String
static momentJS() : String
static timepickerJS(): String
static timepickerCSS(): String

native class utils.ValidationException as NativeValidationException{
getName(): String
getErrorMessage(): String
isRelevantObject( Object ): Bool

native class utils.HibernateTransactionHelper as HibernateTransactionHelper{
static commitAndStartNewTransaction(): [NativeValidationException]
static rollbackAndStartNewTransaction()

function commitAndStartNewTransaction(): [NativeValidationException]{
return HibernateTransactionHelper.commitAndStartNewTransaction();

function rollbackAndStartNewTransaction(){

// session management

invoke internalCleanupSessionManagerEntities() every 10 minutes

function internalUpdateSessionManagerTimeout() : Bool{
var n: DateTime := now().addMinutes( -30 ); // update lastUse after 30 minutes to avoid unnecessary db writes, also sets minimum timeout to 30 minutes
var man := getSessionManager();
if( man.lastUse == null
|| man.lastUse.before( n )
man.lastUse := now();
return true;
return false;

function internalCleanupSessionManagerEntities(){
var sessiontimeout := 6; //months
var n: DateTime := now().addMonths( -1 * sessiontimeout );
var ses := from SessionManager as sc where sc.lastUse is null or sc.lastUse < ~n limit 25; //use limit to avoid loading all obsolete entities in one transaction
for( s: SessionManager in ses ){

// limit attempts
native class org.webdsl.security.AttemptsTracker as AttemptsTracker{
static attempt(String, String, Int) : Bool
static reset(String, String)

function mayAttempt( type: String ) : Bool{
return mayAttempt( type, remoteAddress() );
function mayAttempt( type: String, actorId: String ) : Bool{
//attempts are limited to 10 attempts per 10 minutes per type
return AttemptsTracker.attempt( type, actorId, 10 );
function mayAttempt( type: String, actorId: String, tenMinAttemptLim: Int ) : Bool{
//attempts are limited to tenMinAttemptLim attempts per 10 minutes per type
return AttemptsTracker.attempt( type, actorId, tenMinAttemptLim );

// search

//optimization of search index, twice a day
invoke optimizeSearchIndex() every 12 hours

//Update the spell check and autocompletion indices twice a day
invoke updateSuggestionIndex() every 12 hours

//renew facet index readers every 15 minutes
invoke renewFacetIndexReaders() every 15 minutes

function renewFacetIndexReaders(){

function optimizeSearchIndex(){

function updateSuggestionIndex(){

native class webdsl.generated.search.IndexManager as IndexManager{
static indexSuggestions()
static indexSuggestions( [String] )
static optimizeIndex()
static renewFacetIndexReaders()
static clearAutoCompleteIndex( String )
static clearSpellCheckIndex( String )
static reindex( Entity )
static reindex( List<Entity> )
static removeFromIndex( Entity )
static reindex()

native class org.webdsl.search.SearchHelper as SearchHelper{
static firstIndexLink( Int, Int, Int ): Int
static lastIndexLink( Int, Int, Int ): Int

native class org.webdsl.search.DynamicSearchField as DynamicSearchField{
constructor( String, String )

native class org.webdsl.search.WebDSLFacet as Facet{
static fromString( String ): Facet
asString(): String
isSelected(): Bool
getCount(): Int
getValue(): String
getFieldName(): String
getValueAsDate(): Date
getValueAsFloat(): Float
getValueAsInt(): Int
must(): Facet
mustNot(): Facet
should(): Facet
isMust(): Bool
isMustNot(): Bool
isShould(): Bool

function escapeQuery( q: String ): String{
return Searcher.escapeQuery( q );

native class org.webdsl.search.AbstractEntitySearcher as Searcher{
static escapeQuery( String ): String
static fromString( String ): Searcher
asString(): String
enableFaceting( String, Int ): Searcher
enableFaceting( String, String ): Searcher
getFacets( String ): [Facet]
addFacetSelection( Facet ): Searcher
addFacetSelection( [Facet] ): Searcher
getFacetSelection(): [Facet]
getFacetSelection( String ): [Facet]
removeFacetSelection( Facet ): Searcher
clearFacetSelection(): Searcher
clearFacetSelection( String ): Searcher
highlight( String, String ): String
highlight( String, String, String, String, Int, Int, String ): String
highlight( String, String, String, String ): String
highlightLargeText( String, String ): String
highlightLargeText( String, String, String, String, Int, Int, String ): String
highlightLargeText( String, String, String, String ): String
highlightHTML( String, String ): String
highlightHTML( String, String, String, String, Int, Int, String ): String
highlightHTML( String, String, String, String ): String
highlightLargeHTML( String, String ): String
highlightLargeHTML( String, String, String, String, Int, Int, String ): String
highlightLargeHTML( String, String, String, String ): String
getQuery(): String
luceneQuery(): String
searchTime(): String
searchTimeMillis(): Int
searchTimeSeconds(): Float
allowLuceneSyntax( Bool ): Searcher
addFieldFilter( String, Object ): Searcher
addFieldFilter( String, String ): Searcher
getFilteredFields(): [String]
getFieldFilterValue( String ): String
removeFieldFilter( String ): Searcher
clearFieldFilters(): Searcher
startMustClause(): Searcher
startMustNotClause(): Searcher
startShouldClause(): Searcher
results(): [Entity]
must(): Searcher
should(): Searcher
not(): Searcher
endClause(): Searcher
setNamespace( String ): Searcher
setNamespace( Object ): Searcher
getNamespace(): String
removeNamespace(): Searcher
boost( String, Float ): Searcher
strictMatching( Bool ): Searcher
field( String ): Searcher
fields( [String] ): Searcher
defaultFields(): Searcher
getFields(): [String]
setOffset( Int ): Searcher
getOffset(): Int
setLimit( Int ): Searcher
getLimit(): Int
scores(): [Float]
explanations(): [String]
count(): Int
moreLikeThis( String ): Searcher
sortDesc( String ): Searcher
sortAsc( String ): Searcher
clearSorting(): Searcher
reset(): Searcher
query( Object ): Searcher
query( String ): Searcher
phraseQuery( String, Int ): Searcher
phraseQuery( Object, Int ): Searcher
regexQuery( String ): Searcher
rangeQuery( Int, Int, Bool, Bool ): Searcher
rangeQuery( Float, Float, Bool, Bool ): Searcher
rangeQuery( Date, Date, Bool, Bool ): Searcher
rangeQuery( String, String, Bool, Bool ): Searcher
rangeQuery( Int, Int ): Searcher
rangeQuery( Float, Float ): Searcher
rangeQuery( Date, Date ): Searcher
rangeQuery( String, String ): Searcher
matchAllQuery(): Searcher

native class org.webdsl.search.SearchStatistics as SearchStatistics{
static clear(): Void
static getSearchQueryExecutionCount(): Long
static getSearchQueryTotalTime(): Long
static getSearchQueryExecutionMaxTime(): Long
static getSearchQueryExecutionAvgTime(): Long
static getSearchQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString(): String
static getObjectLoadingTotalTime(): Long
static getObjectLoadingExecutionMaxTime(): Long
static getObjectLoadingExecutionAvgTime(): Long
static getObjectsLoadedCount(): Long
static isStatisticsEnabled(): Bool
static setStatisticsEnabled( Bool ): Bool
static getSearchVersion(): String
static getIndexedClassNames(): [String]
static indexedEntitiesCount(): [String]

//The default analyzer, equal to the one used by default in hibernate search
default_builtin_analyzer analyzer hsearchstandardanalyzer{
tokenizer = StandardTokenizer
token filter = StandardFilter
token filter = LowerCaseFilter
token filter = StopFilter

//Template showing the info available through Hibernate Search statistics
template showSearchStats(){
var NStoMS: Long := 1000000L;
row{ column{ <b> "Search statistics" </b> } }
row{ column{ "Statistics enabled?" } column { output( SearchStatistics.isStatisticsEnabled() ) if( !SearchStatistics.isStatisticsEnabled() ){ "(Enabled through searchstats=true in application.ini)" } } }
row{ column{ "Hibernate Search version" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getSearchVersion() ) } }

row{ column{ <b> "Query execution times" </b> } }

row{ column{ "Search query execution count" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryExecutionCount() ) } }
row{ column{ "Total search time" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryTotalTime() / NStoMS ) "ms (" output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryTotalTime() ) "ns)" } }
row{ column{ "Average search query exec time" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryExecutionAvgTime() / NStoMS ) "ms (" output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryExecutionAvgTime() ) "ns)" } }
row{ column{ "Slowest search query exec time" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryExecutionMaxTime() / NStoMS ) "ms (" output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryExecutionMaxTime() ) "ns)" } }
row{ column{ "Slowest search query" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getSearchQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString() ) } }

row{ column{ <b> "Object load times" </b> } }

row{ column{ "Objects loaded count" } column { output( SearchStatistics.getObjectsLoadedCount() ) } }
row{ column{ "Total object loading time" } column { output(SearchStatistics.getObjectLoadingTotalTime()/ NStoMS ) "ms (" output( SearchStatistics.getObjectLoadingTotalTime() ) "ns)" } }
row{ column{ "Average object loading time" } column { output(SearchStatistics.getObjectLoadingExecutionAvgTime() / NStoMS ) "ms (" output( SearchStatistics.getObjectLoadingExecutionAvgTime() ) "ns)" } }
row{ column{ "Slowest object loading time" } column { output(SearchStatistics.getObjectLoadingExecutionMaxTime() / NStoMS ) "ms (" output( SearchStatistics.getObjectLoadingExecutionMaxTime() ) "ns)" } }
row{ column{ <b> "Indexed entities (entity - nOfEntities)" </b> } }
row{ column{ output( SearchStatistics.indexedEntitiesCount() ) } }

//Tries to highlight the elements inside, not touching the html tags inside (highlighter invoked to ignore html tags)
//If nothing is highlighted, it just renders elements
//Hits are surrounded by tags <span class = "highlightcontent">HIT</span>
template highlight( s: Searcher, fld: String ){
var rendered := rendertemplate( elements );
var renderedHL := if( s != null ) s.highlightLargeHTML( fld, rendered, "<span class=\"highlightcontent\">", "</span>", 1, 10000000, "" )
else "";
if( renderedHL != null && renderedHL.length() > 0 ){
rawoutput( renderedHL )[ all attributes ]
rawoutput( rendered )[ all attributes ] //don't render twice

//Outputs a summary surrogate for the given text 'txt' based on constraints in searcher 's' for search field 'fld'
//A summary suggorate will consist of at most 3 fragments of max 80 characters seperated by '... '
//Hits are surrounded by tags <span class = "highlightcontent">HIT</span>
template highlightedSummary( s: Searcher, fld: String, txt: String ){
var decorated := highlightHTML ~fld: txt from s with tags ("HLOPENTAG", "HLCLOSETAG");
var prerendered := rendertemplate( output("... " + decorated + " ...") )
var tagsfixed := prerendered.replace( "HLOPENTAG", "<span class=\"highlightcontent\">" )
.replace( "HLCLOSETAG", "</span>" );
rawoutput( tagsfixed )[ all attributes ]

//Outputs a summary surrogate for the given text 'txt' based on constraints in searcher 's' for search field 'fld'
//A summary suggorate will consist of at most 3 fragments of max 80 characters seperated by '... '
//Hits are surrounded by tags <span class = "highlightcontent">HIT</span>
template highlightedSummary( s: Searcher, fld: String, txt: WikiText ){
var decorated := highlightHTML ~fld: txt from s with tags ("HLOPENTAG", "HLCLOSETAG");
var prerendered := rendertemplate( output( ( ("... " + decorated + " ...") as WikiText) ) )
//also remove links from summaries
var tagsfixed := prerendered.replace( "<a ", "<span " )
.replace( "</a ", "</span " )
.replace( "HLOPENTAG", "<span class=\"highlightcontent\">" )
.replace( "HLCLOSETAG", "</span>" )
rawoutput( tagsfixed )[ all attributes ]

// section methods for built-in types

type String{ //includes other String-based types such as Secret, Patch, Email, URL, etc.
length(): Int
toLowerCase(): String
toUpperCase(): String
replace( String, String ): String
startsWith( String ): Bool
startsWith( String, Int ): Bool
endsWith( String ): Bool
trim(): String
utils.StringType.parseUUID as parseUUID(): UUID
org.webdsl.tools.Utils.containsDigit as containsDigit(): Bool
org.webdsl.tools.Utils.containsLowerCase as containsLowerCase(): Bool
org.webdsl.tools.Utils.containsUpperCase as containsUpperCase(): Bool
org.webdsl.tools.Utils.isCleanUrl as isCleanUrl(): Bool
org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.contains as contains( String ): Bool // this 'contains' function handles null, null as either arg will produce false
utils.StringType.parseInt as parseInt(): Int
utils.StringType.split as split(): [String]
utils.StringType.splitWithSeparator as split( String ): [String] //TODO Regex as argument
utils.StringType.parseLong as parseLong(): Long
utils.StringType.parseFloat as parseFloat(): Float
utils.DateType.parseDate as parseDate( String ): Date
utils.DateType.parseDate as parseDateTime( String ): DateTime
utils.DateType.parseDate as parseTime( String ): Time
org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript as escapeJavaScript(): String
substring( Int ): String
substring( Int, Int ): String
utils.StringType.similarity as similarity(String) : Float
utils.StringType.isNullOrEmpty as isNullOrEmpty(): Bool
utils.StringType.valueOrDefault as valueOrDefault(String): Bool
utils.StringType.valueNonEmptyOrDefault as valueNonEmptyOrDefault(String): Bool

type Secret{
org.webdsl.tools.Utils.secretDigest as digest(): Secret
org.webdsl.tools.Utils.secretCheck as check(Secret): Bool

type Patch{
name.fraser.neil.plaintext.patch_factory.patchApply as applyPatch( String ): String
name.fraser.neil.plaintext.patch_factory.unpatchApply as revertPatch( String ): String
name.fraser.neil.plaintext.patch_factory.diffHTML as diffHTML( Bool ): String
type String{
name.fraser.neil.plaintext.patch_factory.patchMake as makePatch( String ): Patch
name.fraser.neil.plaintext.patch_factory.diff as diff( String ): [String]

type Long{
intValue(): Int

type DateTime{ // includes Date and Time types
utils.DateType.format as format( String ): String
before( DateTime ): Bool
after( DateTime ): Bool
getTime(): Long
setTime( Long )
utils.DateType.addYears as addYears( Int ): DateTime
utils.DateType.addMonths as addMonths( Int ): DateTime
utils.DateType.addDays as addDays( Int ): DateTime
utils.DateType.addHours as addHours( Int ): DateTime
utils.DateType.addMinutes as addMinutes( Int ): DateTime
utils.DateType.addSeconds as addSeconds( Int ): DateTime
utils.DateType.getYear as getYear(): Int
utils.DateType.getMonth as getMonth(): Int
utils.DateType.getDay as getDay(): Int
utils.DateType.getDayOfYear as getDayOfYear(): Int
utils.DateType.getHour as getHour(): Int
utils.DateType.getMinute as getMinute(): Int
utils.DateType.getSecond as getSecond(): Int

function age( d: Date ): Int{
var today: Date := today();
var age := today.getYear() - d.getYear();
if( today.getDayOfYear() < d.getDayOfYear() ){
age := age - 1;
return age;

native class utils.DateType as DateType{ //@TODO static functions not yet supported in type import of DateTime above
static getDefaultDateFormat(): String
static getDefaultTimeFormat(): String
static getDefaultDateTimeFormat(): String

type WikiText{
org.webdsl.tools.WikiFormatter.wikiFormat as format(String/*hardwraps attribute value*/): String
org.webdsl.tools.WikiFormatter.wikiFormatNoTagFiltering as formatNoTagFiltering(String/*hardwraps attribute value*/): String

type Email{
utils.EmailType.isValid as isValid(): Bool

type URL{
utils.URLType.isValid as isValid(): Bool
utils.URLType.download as download(): File

type File{
getContentAsString(): String
getContentType(): String
setContentType( String )
getFileName(): String
getSizeInBytes() : Long
getSizeHumanReadable() : String
delete() : File
type String{
utils.File.createFromString as asFile( String ): File
utils.File.createFromFilePath as pathToFile() : File
type Image{
getContentAsString(): String
getContentType(): String
setContentType( String )
getFileName(): String
delete() : File

// access to servlet context

native class utils.AbstractDispatchServletHelper as DispatchServlet{
getIncomingSuccessMessages(): [String]
getOutgoingSuccessMessages(): [String]
getRequest(): HttpServletRequest
getRequestURL() : String
getRemoteAddress() : String
static get(): DispatchServlet
getBaseUrl(): String
getUrlComponents(): [String]
function getDispatchServlet(): DispatchServlet{
return DispatchServlet.get();

native class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest as HttpServletRequest{
getRemoteAddr(): String
getAttribute( String ): Object

function getServerAttribute( name: String ): String {
return getDispatchServlet().getRequest().getAttribute( name ) as String;
function remoteAddress(): String{
return getDispatchServlet().getRemoteAddress();
function baseUrl(): String{
return getDispatchServlet().getBaseUrl();
function urlComponents(): [String]{
return getDispatchServlet().getUrlComponents();

// access to page context

native class utils.AbstractPageServlet as PageServlet{
inSubmittedForm(): Bool
formRequiresMultipartEnc: Bool
getFileUploads( String ): [File]
getLabelString(): String
inLabelContext(): Bool
addValidationException( String, String )
getValidationErrorsByName( String ): [String]
static getRequestedPage(): PageServlet
enterLabelContext( String )
setTemplateContext( TemplateContext )
getTemplateContext(): TemplateContext
setMimetype( String )
isRedirected(): Bool
getRedirectUrl(): String
setRedirectUrl( String )
addReRenderPlaceholders( String )
addBodyAttribute( String, String )
submitWrapOpenHelper( String )
actionHasAjaxPageUpdates: Bool
getXForwardedProto(): String
getXForwardedFor(): String
reloadSessionManagerFromExistingSessionId( UUID )
addResponseHeader( String, String )
function getPage(): PageServlet{
return PageServlet.getRequestedPage();
function replace( ph: String ){
getPage().addReRenderPlaceholders( ph );
getPage().actionHasAjaxPageUpdates := true;

native class utils.TemplateContext as TemplateContext{
clone(): TemplateContext
getTemplateContextString(): String

function mimetype( s: String ){
getPage().setMimetype( s );
template mimetype( s: String ){
getPage().setMimetype( s );

function downloadInline(){
template downloadInline(){

function addBodyAttribute( key: String, value: String ){
getPage().addBodyAttribute( key, value );
template addBodyAttribute( key: String, value: String ){
addBodyAttribute( key, value );

//access to template context

native class utils.TemplateServlet as TemplateServlet{
getUniqueId(): String
getUniqueIdNoCache(): String
static getCurrentTemplate(): TemplateServlet
function getTemplate(): TemplateServlet{
return TemplateServlet.getCurrentTemplate();

// utitity for templates that handle validation

function handleValidationErrors( errors: [String] ): [String]{
var result: [String] := null;
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
for( s: String in errors ){
getPage().addValidationException( getPage().getLabelString(), s );
result := errors;
return result;

// section XML
native class org.w3c.dom.Document as XMLDocument : XMLNode{
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getElementsByTagName as getElementsByTagName(String) : List<XMLNode>
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getElementsByXPath as getElementsByXPath(String) : List<XMLNode>
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getNodesByXPath as getNodesByXPath(String) : List<XMLNode>
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.asString as asString() : String

native class org.w3c.dom.Node as XMLNode{
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getElementsByTagName as getElementsByTagName(String) : List<XMLNode>
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getElementsByXPath as getElementsByXPath(String) : List<XMLNode>
javaxt.xml.DOM.getNodeValue as getVal() : String
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getText as getVal(String) : String
javaxt.xml.DOM.getAttributeValue as getAttrVal(String) : String
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getChildren as getChildren() : List<XMLNode>
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.getAttributes as getAttributes() : List<XMLNode>
getNodeName() : String
org.webdsl.xml.XMLUtil.setValue as setValue(String)

type String{
javaxt.xml.DOM.createDocument as asXMLDocument() : XMLDocument

// section JSON for services

native class com.google.gson.JsonObject as JSONObject {
utils.JSONType.parseJsonObject as constructor( String )
utils.JSONType.getString as getString( String ): String
utils.JSONType.getBoolean as getBoolean( String ): Bool
utils.JSONType.getInt as getInt( String ): Int
utils.JSONType.getLong as getLong( String ): Long
utils.JSONType.getDouble as getDouble( String ): Double
utils.JSONType.getJSONObject as getJSONObject( String ): JSONObject
utils.JSONType.getJSONArray as getJSONArray( String ): JSONArray
utils.JSONType.getJSONNull as getNullValue( String ): JSONNull
has( String ): Bool
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, String )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, Bool )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, Int )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, Long )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, Float )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, Double )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, JSONObject )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, JSONArray )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, JSONNull )
utils.JSONType.put as put( String, UUID )
utils.JSONType.toString as toString(): String
utils.JSONType.nullValue as static nullValue(): JSONNull

native class com.google.gson.JsonNull as JSONNull {}

native class com.google.gson.JsonArray as JSONArray {
utils.JSONType.parseJsonArray as constructor( String )
utils.JSONType.getString as getString( Int ): String
utils.JSONType.getBoolean as getBoolean( Int ): Bool
utils.JSONType.getInt as getInt( Int ): Int
utils.JSONType.getLong as getLong( Int ): Long
utils.JSONType.getDouble as getDouble( Int ): Double
utils.JSONType.getJSONObject as getJSONObject( Int ): JSONObject
utils.JSONType.getJSONArray as getJSONArray( Int ): JSONArray
utils.JSONType.getJSONNull as getNullValue( Int ): JSONNull
utils.JSONType.length as length(): Int
utils.JSONType.put as put( String )
utils.JSONType.put as put( Bool )
utils.JSONType.put as put( Int )
utils.JSONType.put as put( Long )
utils.JSONType.put as put( Float )
utils.JSONType.put as put( Double )
utils.JSONType.put as put( JSONObject )
utils.JSONType.put as put( JSONArray )
utils.JSONType.put as put( JSONNull )
utils.JSONType.put as put( UUID )
utils.JSONType.toString as toString(): String

native class java.lang.Double as Double{
constructor( Double )
constructor( Float )
constructor( String )
floatValue(): Float

// section WebDriver for testing

function sleep( i: Int ){
function createTempFile( s: String ): String{
return UtilsTestClass.createTempFile(s);

function getFirefoxDriver(): FirefoxDriver{
return UtilsTestClass.getFirefoxDriver();
function getHtmlUnitDriver(): HtmlUnitDriver{
return UtilsTestClass.getHtmlUnitDriver();
function getDriver(): WebDriver{
return getFirefoxDriver();

native class utils.Test as UtilsTestClass{
static sleep( Int )
static getHtmlUnitDriver(): HtmlUnitDriver
static getFirefoxDriver(): FirefoxDriver
static closeDrivers()
static createTempFile( String ): String

native class org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver as WebDriver{
get( String )
getTitle(): String
getPageSource(): String
findElement( SelectBy ): WebElement
findElements( SelectBy ): [WebElement]
utils.Test.runJavaScript as runJavaScript( String ): String
utils.Test.getAlert as getAlert(): WebAlert
utils.Test.getSubmit as getSubmit(): WebElement
utils.Test.getSubmits as getSubmits(): [WebElement]

native class org.openqa.selenium.Alert as WebAlert{
getText(): String

native class org.openqa.selenium.By as SelectBy{
static className( String ): SelectBy
static id( String ): SelectBy
static linkText( String ): SelectBy
static name( String ): SelectBy
static partialLinkText( String ): SelectBy
static tagName( String ): SelectBy
static cssSelector( String ): SelectBy
static xpath( String ): SelectBy

native class org.openqa.selenium.WebElement as WebElement{
getText(): String
utils.Test.getValue as getValue(): String //WebElement.getValue() is deprecated
getElementName(): String
getAttribute( String ): String
isEnabled(): Bool
sendKeys( String )
getAttribute( String ): String
isEnabled(): Bool
isSelected(): Bool
findElements( SelectBy ): [WebElement]
//void sendKeys(java.lang.CharSequence... keysToSend)
utils.Test.click as toggle()
utils.Test.click as setSelected()
utils.Test.clickAndWait as click()

native class org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver as HtmlUnitDriver: WebDriver{

native class org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver as FirefoxDriver: WebDriver{
utils.Test.takeScreenshot as takeScreenshot()

native class org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Select as Select{
deselectAll() // Clear all selected entries.
deselectByIndex( Int ) // Deselect the option at the given index.
deselectByValue( String ) // Deselect all options that have a value matching the argument.
deselectByVisibleText( String ) // Deselect all options that display text matching the argument.
escapeQuotes( String ): String
getAllSelectedOptions(): [WebElement]
getFirstSelectedOption(): WebElement
getOptions(): [WebElement]
isMultiple(): Bool
selectByIndex( Int ) // Select the option at the given index.
selectByValue( String ) // Select all options that have a value matching the argument.
selectByVisibleText( String ) // Select all options that display text matching the argument.
constructor( WebElement )


entity QueuedEmail{
body: String (length=1000000) //Note: default length for string is currently 255
to: String (length=1000000)
cc: String (length=1000000)
bcc: String (length=1000000)
replyTo: String (length=1000000)
from: String (length=1000000)
subject: String (length=1000000)
unsubscribeAddress: String (length=1000000)
// scheduled: DateTime (default=now())
lastTry: DateTime

invoke internalHandleEmailQueue() every 15 seconds

function internalHandleEmailQueue(){
var n: DateTime := now().addHours( -3 ); // retry after 3 hours to avoid spamming too much
var dontRetryMoment: DateTime := now().addDays( -3 ); //dont retry emails older than 3 days
var queuedEmails := from QueuedEmail as q where (q.lastTry is null or q.lastTry < ~n) and q.created > ~dontRetryMoment order by q.created asc limit 5;
for( queuedEmail: QueuedEmail in queuedEmails ){
if( sendemail( sendQueuedEmail( queuedEmail ) ) ){
queuedEmail.lastTry := now();

//normally you would use email(sendQueuedEmail(queuedEmail)) to send email, however,
//that is desugared to renderemail(queuedEmail).save() to make it asynchronous.
//In this function the email is actually send, using the synchronous sendemail function.

native class utils.ThreadLocalEmailContext as ThreadLocalEmailContext{
static inEmailContext(): Bool

function inEmailContext(): Bool {
return ThreadLocalEmailContext.inEmailContext();
define email sendQueuedEmail( q: QueuedEmail ){
to( q.to )
from( q.from )
subject( q.subject )
cc( q.cc )
bcc( q.bcc )
replyTo( q.replyTo )
unsubscribeAddress( q.unsubscribeAddress )
//don't escape the html from internal email rendering
rawoutput( q.body )

// logging

entity RequestLogEntry{
name: String
requestedURL: Text
start: DateTime
end: DateTime
clientIP: String
clientPort: Int
method: String
referer: Text
userAgent: Text

//built-in templates

// convenient for desugaring in the compiler that replaces template elements with a single templatecall, see RenderTemplateFunctionCall desugaring
template internalElementsWrapper(){ elements }

// e.g. head{ <meta charset="utf-8"/> }
template head(){ includeHead( rendertemplate( elements ) ) }

h1 h1
h2 h2
h3 h3
h4 h4
h5 h5
h6 h6
div div
span span
table table
row tr
column td
par p
pre pre
spacer hr
list ul[ class = "block" ]
listitem li[ class = "block" ]
block div[ class = "block" ]
container span[ class = "container" ]
groupitem tr
strong strong
emph em
code code

template br(){ <br all attributes> }

template break(){ <br all attributes> }

template block( s: String ){
<div class = "block" class = s all attributes>

template fieldset( s: String ){
<fieldset all attributes>
output( s )

template group( s: String ){
<fieldset all attributes>
output( s )

template group(){
<fieldset class = "fieldset_no_legend_" all attributes>

menuheader{ ... }
menuitem{ ... }
menuitem{ ... }

template menubar(){
var elementid := "menu" + id
includeCSS( "dropdownmenu.css" )
<div class = "menuwrapper"
id = elementid
all attributes>
<ul id = "p7menubar"
class = "menubar">

template menuspacer(){
<li all attributes>

template menu(){
<li class = "menu" all attributes>

template menuheader(){
<span class = "menuheader" all attributes>

template menuitems(){
<ul class = "menuitems">

template menuitem(){
<li class = "menuitem" all attributes>

//reflection of entities

native class org.webdsl.lang.ReflectionEntity as ReflectionEntity{
getName(): String
getProperties(): [ReflectionProperty]
getPropertyByName( String ): ReflectionProperty
hasViewPage(): Bool
static byName( String ): ReflectionEntity
static all(): [ReflectionEntity]

native class org.webdsl.lang.ReflectionProperty as ReflectionProperty{
getName(): String
hasNotNullAnnotation(): Bool
getFormatAnnotation(): String

//validation wrapper for submit and submitlink

template wrapsubmit( tname: String ) requires s( String ){
render{ getPage().submitWrapOpenHelper( tname ); }
if( getValidationErrorsByName( tname ).length > 0 ){
errorTemplateAction( getValidationErrorsByName( tname ) ){
s( tname )
s( tname )
render{ getPage().submitWrapCloseHelper(); }

//reused when elements are empty

template elementsempty(){}

// Date/DateTime/Time input and output templates

template output( d: ref DateTime ){
var default := DateType.getDefaultDateTimeFormat();
if( d != null ){
dateoutputgeneric( d as ref Date, default )[ all attributes ]

template output(d: ref Time){
var default := DateType.getDefaultTimeFormat();
if( d != null ){
dateoutputgeneric( d as ref Date, default )[ all attributes ]

template output( d: ref Date ){
var default := DateType.getDefaultDateFormat();
if( d != null ){
dateoutputgeneric( d, default )[ all attributes ]

template dateoutputgeneric( d: ref Date, defaultformat: String ){
var dateformat := defaultformat;
//@TODO add support for ref arg in function, to avoid repeating this in both output and input
var attr := attribute( "format" );
if( attr != null
&& attr != ""
dateformat := attr;
if( d.getReflectionProperty() != null ){
var formatanno := d.getReflectionProperty().getFormatAnnotation();
if( formatanno != null ){
dateformat := formatanno;
text( d.format( dateformat ) )

function convertJavaDateFormatToFlatPickr( f: String ): String{
return f.replace( "MMM", "M" ).replace( "dd", "d" ).replace("EEEE","l").replace( "EEE", "D" ).replace( "yyyy", "Y" ).replace("yy", "y").replace("mm", "i").replace( "MM", "m" ).replace( "HH", "H" ).replace( "hh", "h" ).replace( "a", "K" );

function javaToJsDate(d : Date) : String{
return "new Date(" + d.getYear() + ", " + d.getMonth() + ", " + d.getDay() + ", " + d.format("HH") + ", " + d.getMinute() + ", " + d.getSecond() + ")";

function convertJavaDateFormatToMomentJS( f: String ): String{
return f.replace("d", "D").replace( "E", "d" ).replace( "u", "E" ).replace( "Y", "g" ).replace( "y", "Y" );

template input( d: ref DateTime ){
input( d, now().addYears( -30 ), now().addYears( 50 ) )[ all attributes ]{ elements }

template input( d: ref Date, minDate: DateTime, maxDate: DateTime ){
var format := DateType.getDefaultDateFormat()
var minDateOpt := "minDate: " + javaToJsDate(minDate)
var maxDateOpt := "maxDate: " + javaToJsDate(maxDate)
var attr := attribute( "format" );
if( attr != null
&& attr != ""
format := attr;
if( d.getReflectionProperty() != null ){
var formatanno := d.getReflectionProperty().getFormatAnnotation();
if( formatanno != null ){
format := formatanno;
, format
, minDateOpt + ", " + maxDateOpt
)[ all attributes ]{ elements }

template input( d: ref DateTime, minDate: DateTime, maxDate: DateTime ){
var format := DateType.getDefaultDateTimeFormat()
var minDateOpt := "minDate: " + javaToJsDate(minDate)
var maxDateOpt := "maxDate: " + javaToJsDate(maxDate)
var attr := attribute( "format" );
if( attr != null
&& attr != ""
format := attr;
if( d.getReflectionProperty() != null ){
var formatanno := d.getReflectionProperty().getFormatAnnotation();
if( formatanno != null ){
format := formatanno;
d as ref Date
, format
, "enableTime : true, " + minDateOpt + ", " + maxDateOpt
)[ all attributes ]{ elements }

template input( d: ref Time ){
var format := DateType.getDefaultTimeFormat()
var flatPickrOptions := "noCalendar: true, enableTime : true";
var attr := attribute("format");
if( attr != null
&& attr != ""
format := attr;
if( d.getReflectionProperty() != null ){
var formatanno := d.getReflectionProperty().getFormatAnnotation();
if( formatanno != null ){
format := formatanno;
dateinputgeneric( d as ref Date, format, flatPickrOptions )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( d: ref Date ){
input( d, now().addYears( -50 ), now().addYears( 10 ) )[ all attributes ]{elements}
template input( d: ref Date, minYear: Int, maxYear: Int ){
var minY := if(d != null && d.getYear() < minYear) d.getYear() else minYear
var maxY := if(d != null && d.getYear() > maxYear) d.getYear() else maxYear

input(d, DateTime("01/01/" + minY + " 0:00"), DateTime("31/12/" + maxY + " 23:59") )

template dateinputgeneric( d: ref Date, visibleJavaDateFormat: String, options: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )
var isTimeEnabled := ( /enableTime\s*:\s*true/.find(options) )
var isTimeOnly := ( /noCalendar\s*:\s*true/.find(options) )
var internalJavaDateFormat :=
else (

request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
datepickerinput( d, internalJavaDateFormat, visibleJavaDateFormat, id, options )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
datepickerinput( d, internalJavaDateFormat, visibleJavaDateFormat, id, options )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
if( req != null ){
if( req != ""
&& req.parseDate( internalJavaDateFormat ) == null
errors := [ "Incorrect date format, expected format is " + visibleJavaDateFormat ];
if( errors == null ){ // if no wellformedness errors, check datamodel validations
errors := d.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );
template datepickerIncludes(){
includeHead( "<!--[if IE 9]><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/classList.min.js\"></script><![endif]-->" )
includeJS( IncludePaths.jQueryJS() )
// includeJS( IncludePaths.momentJS() )
includeJS( IncludePaths.timepickerJS() )
includeCSS( IncludePaths.timepickerCSS() )

// https://github.com/flatpickr/flatpickr/issues/893
// Flatpickr does not update its internals on the alt input field when focus is lost without hitting enter.
// Force sending the enter-key on the flatpickr alt input that loses focus, so it updates its internals
postProcess( "$(node).find('input.flatpickr:not([id])').focusout( function(){ this.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent('keydown',{'keyCode':13}) ); } );" )

function DATEPICKER_DATEFORMAT() : String { return "yyyy-MM-dd"; }
function DATEPICKER_TIMEFORMAT() : String { return "HH:mm"; }
function DATEPICKER_DATETIMEFORMAT() : String{ return "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"; }

template datepickerinput( d: ref Date, internalJavaDateFormat : String, visibleJavaDateFormat: String, tname: String, options: String ){
var s: String
var internalFlatPickrFormat := convertJavaDateFormatToFlatPickr( internalJavaDateFormat )
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
var flatPickrAltDateFormat := convertJavaDateFormatToFlatPickr( visibleJavaDateFormat )
var onOpen := "onOpen: function(dateObj, dateStr, instance){ if(dateStr == ''){ instance.jumpToDate( new Date() ); } }"
if( d == null ){
s := "";
s := d.format( internalJavaDateFormat );
if(req != null){
s := req;

if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
class = "flatpickr"
name = tname
type = "text"
value = s
inputDate attributes
all attributes

$("input:not(.flatpickr-input)[name=~tname]").flatpickr({~onOpen, allowInput: true, dateformat: '~internalFlatPickrFormat', altFormat: '~flatPickrAltDateFormat' , altInput: true, time_24hr: true, ~options});

if( req != null ){
if( req == "" ){
d := null;

var newdate := req.parseDateTime( internalJavaDateFormat );
if( newdate != null ){
d := newdate;

//output( Set )
template output( set: {Entity} ){
<ul all attributes>
for( e: Entity in set order by e.name ){
output( e )

//input( {Entity} )

template input( set: ref {Entity} ){
selectcheckbox( set, set.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity] ){
selectcheckbox( set, from )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( set: ref {Entity}, from: {Entity} ){
selectcheckbox( set, [ e in from order by e.name ] )[ all attributes ]{ elements }

//input( {Entity} ) selectcheckbox

template selectcheckbox( set: ref {Entity} ){
selectcheckbox( set, set.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template selectcheckbox( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputCheckboxSetInternal( set, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputCheckboxSetInternal( set, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := set.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputCheckboxSetInternal( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity], tname: String ){
var tnamehidden := tname + "_isinput"
var reqhidden := getRequestParameter( tnamehidden )
request var tmpset := Set<Entity>()

<div inputSetCheckbox attributes
all attributes except "onclick">
<input type="hidden" name = tnamehidden/>
for( e: Entity in from ){
inputCheckboxSetInternalHelper( set, tmpset, e, tname + "-" + e.id )[ onclick = "" + attribute( "onclick" ) ]
if( reqhidden != null && tmpset != set ){
set := tmpset;

template inputCheckboxSetInternalHelper( set: ref {Entity}, tmpset: {Entity}, e: Entity, tname: String ){
var tmp := getRequestParameter( tname )
var tnamehidden := tname + "_isinput"
var tmphidden := getRequestParameter( tnamehidden )
<div inputSetCheckboxElements attributes >
<input type = "hidden" name = tnamehidden/>
<input type = "checkbox"
name = tname
if( tmphidden != null
&& tmp != null
tmphidden == null
&& e in set
checked = "true"
id = tname + e.id
all attributes
<label for = tname + e.id>
outputLabel( e )
if( tmphidden != null
&& tmp != null
tmpset.add( e );

//input( {Entity} ) select

template select( set: ref {Entity} ){
select( set, set.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template select( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputSelectMultipleInternal( set, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputSelectMultipleInternal( set, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := set.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputSelectMultipleInternal( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity], tname: String ){
var rnamehidden := tname + "_isinput"
var reqhidden := getRequestParameter( rnamehidden )
var req: [String] := getRequestParameterList( tname )

<input type = "hidden"
name = tname + "_isinput"/>
multiple = "multiple"
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
inputSelectMultiple attributes
all attributes
for( e: Entity in from ){
value = e.id
if( reqhidden != null
&& req != null
&& e.id.toString() in req
reqhidden == null
&& set != null
&& e in set
selected = "selected"
outputLabel( e )

if( reqhidden != null ){
if( req == null
req.length == 0
&& set.length != 0
var setlist: [Entity] := set.list();
var listofcurrentids: [String] := [ e.id.toString() | e: Entity in setlist ];
for( s: String in listofcurrentids ){
if( ! (s in req) ){
set.remove( [ e | e: Entity in setlist where e.id.toString() == s ][ 0 ] );
for( s: String in req ){
if( ! (s in listofcurrentids) ){
set.add( [ e | e: Entity in from where e.id.toString() == s ][ 0 ] ); // check with 'from' list to make sure that it was an option, to protect against tampering

// input(e: Entity)

template input( ent: ref Entity ){
select( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( ent: ref Entity, from: [Entity] ){
select( ent, from )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( ent: ref Entity, from: {Entity} ){
select( ent, [ e in from order by e.name ] )[ all attributes ]{ elements }

//input(e:Entity) select

template select( ent: ref Entity ){
select( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template select( ent: ref Entity, from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputEntityInternal( ent, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputEntityInternal( ent, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := ent.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputEntityInternal( ent: ref Entity, from: [Entity], tname: String ){
var rnamehidden := tname + "_isinput"
var reqhidden := getRequestParameter( rnamehidden )
var req: String := getRequestParameter( tname )
var notnull := hasNotNullAttribute()
ent.getReflectionProperty() != null
&& ent.getReflectionProperty().hasNotNullAnnotation()
<input type = "hidden"
name = tname + "_isinput" />
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
inputSelect attributes
all attributes
if( ! notnull ){
<option value = "none"
if( reqhidden != null
&& req == null
reqhidden == null
&& ent == null
selected = "selected"
for( e: Entity in from ){
value = e.id
if( reqhidden != null
&& req != null
&& e.id.toString() == req
reqhidden == null
&& e == ent
selected = "selected"
outputLabel( e )

if( reqhidden != null ){
if( ! notnull
&& req == "none"
ent := null;
var fromids := [ e | e: Entity in from where e.id.toString() == req ];
if( fromids.length > 0
&& ent != fromids[ 0 ]
ent := fromids[ 0 ]; // check with 'from' list to make sure that it was an option, to protect against tampering

// radio buttons input

template radio( ent: ref Entity ){
radio( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template radio( ent1: ref Entity, ent2: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
radioInternal( ent1, ent2, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
radioInternal( ent1, ent2, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := ent1.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template radioInternal( ent1: ref Entity, ent2: [Entity], tname: String ){
var tmp: String := getRequestParameter( tname );
var subme: Entity := null;
if( tmp != null ){
var matching := [ e | e: Entity in ent2 where e.id.toString() == tmp ];
if( matching.length > 0 ){
subme := matching[ 0 ];
for( e: Entity in ent2 ){
<label radio attributes>
<input type = "radio"
//either it was submitted or it was not submitted but the value was already p
if( tmp != null
&& subme == e
tmp == null
&& ent1 == e
checked = "checked"
name = tname
value = e.id
all attributes
outputLabel( e )
if( tmp != null
&& subme in ent2
&& ent1 != subme
ent1 := subme;


template outputLabel( e: Entity ){
output( e.name )

template output( e: Entity ){
var hasviewpage := false;
var viewpagename := "";
var type := e.getTypeString();
hasviewpage := ReflectionEntity.byName( type ).hasViewPage();
viewpagename := type.toLowerCase();
if( hasviewpage ){
//not possible yet
navigate ~viewpagename((~type) e){ outputLabel(e) }
outputLabel( e )


template output( list: [Entity] ){
<ol all attributes>
for( e:Entity in list ){
output( e )

// input(List)

template input( list: ref [Entity] ){
input( list, list.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( list: ref [Entity], from: {Entity} ){
input( list, [ e in from order by e.name ] )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template input( list: ref [Entity], from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputListInternal( list, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputListInternal( list, from, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := list.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

function updateListRequest( request: String, list: [Entity], selectfrom: [Entity] ): [Entity]{
if( request == null ){ // nothing submitted
return list;
var elementids := request.split( "," );
var options := List<Entity>();
options.addAll( list );
options.addAll( selectfrom );
var newlist := List<Entity>();
for( s: String in elementids ){
var ent := [ e | e: Entity in options where e.id.toString() == s ];
if( ent.length > 0 ){
var selected := ent[ 0 ];
newlist.add( selected );
return newlist;

template inputListInternal( list: ref [Entity], selectfrom: [Entity], tname: String ){
var hiddenid := "hidden" + tname
var sortableid := "sortable" + tname
var selectid := "select" + tname
var tmp := getRequestParameter( hiddenid );
var newlist := updateListRequest( tmp, list, selectfrom );
var onchange := attribute( "onchange" );
var deletejsfuncname := "delete" + tname;
if( tmp != null && list != newlist ){
list := newlist;

includeCSS( IncludePaths.jQueryUICSS() )
includeJS( IncludePaths.jQueryJS() )
includeJS( IncludePaths.jQueryUIJS() )
includeJS( IncludePaths.jQueryUITouchPunchJS() )

<script type="text/javascript">
stop: function(event, ui){
$('#~hiddenid').attr('value', $('#~sortableid').sortable('toArray')).trigger('change');
//initial values
$('#~hiddenid').attr('value', $('#~sortableid').sortable('toArray')).trigger('change');
//optional stuff
//constrain dragging to list
//$('#~sortableid').sortable( "option", "containment", 'parent' );
window.~deletejsfuncname = function(dollarthis){
$('#~hiddenid').attr('value', $('#~sortableid').sortable('toArray'));
<input type = "hidden"
name = hiddenid
id = hiddenid/>
<ul id = sortableid
class = "sortable">
for( e: Entity in newlist ){
<li id = e.id
class = "ui-state-default">
<span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>
outputLabel( e )
<span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-close" onclick=deletejsfuncname+"($(this));"></span>

//@TODO should become possible to re-use render of template in client
var itempart1 := "<li id=\""
var itempart2 := "\" class=\"ui-state-default\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s\"></span>"
var itempart3 := "<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-close\" onclick=\""+deletejsfuncname+"($(this));\"></span></li>"

if( selectfrom.length > 0 ){
<select id = selectid>
for( e: Entity in selectfrom ){
<option value = e.id>
outputLabel( e )

type = "button"
value = "add"
onclick =
+ selectid
+ " option:selected').each(function(){ $('#"
+ sortableid
+ "').append('"
+ itempart1
+ "'+$(this).attr('value')+'"
+ itempart2
+ "'+$(this).html()+'"
+ itempart3
+ "');}); $('#"
+ hiddenid
+ "').attr('value', $('#"
+ sortableid
+ "').sortable('toArray')); "
+ onchange
+ "return false;"


template labelcolumns( s: String ){
label( s )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
//template labelInternal( s: String, tname: String, tc: TemplateContext ) = labelcolumnsInternal
template labelInternal( s1: String, tname: String, tc: TemplateContext ){
<label for=tname all attributes>
databind{ getPage().enterLabelContext( tname ); }
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( tname ); }
render{ getPage().enterLabelContext( tname ); }
databind{ getPage().leaveLabelContext();}
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
render{ getPage().leaveLabelContext();}

template label( s: String ) {
request var errors: [String] := null
request var tc := getPage().getTemplateContext().clone()

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
labelInternal( s, id, tc )[ all attributes ]{
elements[ templateContext = tc ] //change templateContext to make sure the same name attributes are generated
labelInternal( s, id, tc )[ all attributes ]{
elements[templateContext = tc]
errors := getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id );

template labelInternal( s: String, tname: String, tc: TemplateContext ){
<label for = tname all attributes>
output( s )

databind{ getPage().enterLabelContext( tname ); }
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( tname ); }
render{ getPage().enterLabelContext( tname ); }


databind{ getPage().leaveLabelContext();}
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
render{ getPage().leaveLabelContext();}

// input/output( Int )

template output( i: Int ){
text( i.toString() )

template input( i: ref Int ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )

request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputIntInternal( i, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputIntInternal( i, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
if( req != null ){
if( /-?\d+/.match( req ) ){
if( req.parseInt() == null ){
errors := [ "Outside of possible number range" ];
errors := [ "Not a valid number" ];
if( errors == null ){ // if no wellformedness errors, check datamodel validations
errors := i.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputIntInternal( i: ref Int, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = i
inputInt attributes
all attributes

if( req != null ){
i := req.parseInt();

template output( d : Double ){
text( d.toString() )

//input/output Float

template output( i: Float ){
text( i.toString() )

template input( i: ref Float ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )

request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputFloatInternal( i, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputFloatInternal( i, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
if( req != null ){
if( /-?\d\d*\.\d*(E-?)?\d*/.match( req )
|| /-?\d\d*(E-?)?\d*/.match( req )
|| /-?\.\d\d*(E-?)?\d*/.match( req )
var f: Float := req.parseFloat();
if( f == null ){
errors := [ "Not a valid decimal number" ];
errors := [ "Not a valid decimal number" ];
if( errors == null ){ // if no wellformedness errors, check datamodel validations
errors := i.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputFloatInternal( i: ref Float, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = i
inputFloat attributes
all attributes

if( req != null ){
i := req.parseFloat();

//input/output Long

template output( i: Long ){
text( i.toString() )

template input( i: ref Long ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )

request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputLongInternal( i, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputLongInternal( i, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
if( req != null ){
if( /-?\d+/.match( req ) ){
if( req.parseLong() == null ){
errors := [ "Outside of possible number range" ];
errors := [ "Not a valid number" ];
if( errors == null ){ // if no wellformedness errors, check datamodel validations
errors := i.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputLongInternal( i: ref Long, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = i
inputLong attributes
all attributes

if( req != null ){
i := req.parseLong();

//input/output Secret

template output( s: Secret ){

template input( s: ref Secret ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputSecretInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputSecretInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := s.getValidationErrors(); //only length annotation and property validations are relevant here, these are provided by getValidationErrors
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputSecretInternal( s: ref Secret, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
type = "password"
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = s
inputSecret attributes
all attributes

if( req != null ){
s := req;

//output Placeholder

template output( p: Placeholder ){
text( p.toString() )

//input/output String

template output( s: String ){
text( s )

template input( s: ref String ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputStringInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputStringInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := s.getValidationErrors(); //only length annotation and property validations are relevant here, these are provided by getValidationErrors
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputStringInternal( s: ref String, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
if( attribute( "type" ) == "" ){
type = "text"
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = s
inputString attributes
all attributes

if( req != null ){
s := req;

template inputSearch( s: ref String ){
input( s )[ type = "search", all attributes ]

//input/output Text

template output( s: Text ){
text( s )

template input( s: ref Text ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputTextInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputTextInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := s.getValidationErrors(); //only length annotation and property validations are relevant here, these are provided by getValidationErrors
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputTextInternal( s: ref Text, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
inputText attributes
all attributes
if( req != null ){

if( req != null ){
s := req;

//input/output URL

template output( s: URL ){
navigate url( s )[ all attributes ]{ text( s ) }

template input( s: ref URL ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )

request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputURLInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputURLInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }

errors := checkURLWellformedness(req);
if( errors == null ){ // if no wellformedness errors, check datamodel validations
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputURLInternal( s: ref URL, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
type = "text"
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = s
inputURL attributes
all attributes

if( req != null ){
s := req;

//input/output WikiText

template output( s: WikiText ){
rawoutput( s.format( attribute("hardwraps") ) )

template rawoutput( t: WikiText ){
rawoutput( t.formatNoTagFiltering( attribute("hardwraps") ) )

template input( s: ref WikiText ){
request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputWikiTextInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputWikiTextInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := s.getValidationErrors(); //only length annotation and property validations are relevant here, these are provided by getValidationErrors
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputWikiTextInternal( s: ref WikiText, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
inputWikiText attributes
all attributes
if( req != null ){
text( req )
text( s )

if( req != null ){
s := req;

//input/output Email

template output( s: Email ){
text( s )

template input( s: ref Email ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )

request var errors: [String] := null

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputEmailInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputEmailInternal( s, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
if( req != null ){
if( ! (req as Email).isValid() ){
errors := [ "Not a valid email address" ];
if( errors == null ){ // if no wellformedness errors, check datamodel validations
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputEmailInternal( s: ref Email, tname: String ){
var req := getRequestParameter( tname )
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
type = "text"
if( req != null ){
value = req
value = s
inputEmail attributes
all attributes
if( req != null ){
s := req;

//input/output Bool

template output( b: Bool ){
type = "checkbox"
if( b ){
checked = "true"
disabled = "true"
all attributes

template input( b: ref Bool ){
request var errors: [String] := null // request var keeps its value, even when validation fails (regular var is reset when validation fails)

if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputBoolInternal( b, id )[ all attributes ] // use same id so the inputs are updated in both cases
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputBoolInternal( b, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := b.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputBoolInternal( b: ref Bool, rname: String ){
var rnamehidden := rname + "_isinput"

<input type = "hidden" name=rname + "_isinput" />
<input type = "checkbox"
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = rname
//true when it was submitted as true or it was not submitted but the value was already true
if( getRequestParameter( rnamehidden ) != null
&& getRequestParameter( rname ) != null
getRequestParameter( rnamehidden ) == null
&& b
checked = "true"
inputBool attributes
all attributes

var tmphidden := getRequestParameter( rnamehidden );
if( tmphidden != null ){
if( getRequestParameter( rname ) != null ){
b := true;
b := false;

//input File

template input( f: ref File ){
request var errors: [String] := null
if( errors != null ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputFileInternal( f, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputFileInternal( f, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := f.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputFileInternal( f: ref File, tname: String ){
getPage().formRequiresMultipartEnc := true;
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
type = "file"
inputFile attributes
all attributes

var files: [File] := getPage().getFileUploads( tname );
if( files != null && files.length > 0 ){
var fnew := files.get( 0 );
if( fnew.fileName() != "" ){
f := fnew;

template input( f: ref [File] ){
request var errors: [String] := null
if( errors != null ){
errorTemplateInput( errors ){
inputMultiFileInternal( f, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
inputMultiFileInternal( f, id )[ all attributes ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
errors := f.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) ); //nested validate elements
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

template inputMultiFileInternal( f: ref [File], tname: String ){
getPage().formRequiresMultipartEnc := true;
if( getPage().inLabelContext() ){
id = getPage().getLabelString()
name = tname
type = "file"
inputMultiFile attributes
all attributes
multiple = ""

var files: [File] := getPage().getFileUploads( tname );
if( files != null && files.length > 0 ){
for( item in files where item.fileName() != "" ){
f.add( item );

//input Image

template input( i: ref Image ){
input( i as ref File )[ all attributes ]

//validate entities

entity ValidationException{
message: String
entity ValidationExceptionMultiple{
exceptions: [ValidationException]

//validate template

template validate( check: Bool, message: String ){
request var errors: [String] := null
if( errors != null ){
errorTemplateForm( errors )[ all attributes ]
if( ! check ){
errors := [ message ];
errors := handleValidationErrors( errors );

// inputs with ajax validation
// @TODO address issues with template arguments to reduce code duplication

ajax template showMessages( list: [String] ){
errorTemplateInput( list )

ajax template noMessages(){}

template inputajax( b: ref Bool ){
request var errors: [String] := null
inputBoolInternal( b, id )[ onchange = validator(); "" + attribute("onchange")
, all attributes except "onchange" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := b.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := b.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

function checkFloatWellformedness( req: String ): [String]{
var errors: [String] := null;
if( req != null ){
if( /-?\d\d*\.\d*(E-?)?\d*/.match( req )
|| /-?\d\d*(E-?)?\d*/.match( req )
|| /-?\.\d\d*(E-?)?\d*/.match( req )
var f: Float := req.parseFloat();
if( f == null ){
errors := [ "Not a valid decimal number" ];
errors := [ "Not a valid decimal number" ];
return errors;
template inputajax( f: ref Float ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )
request var errors: [String] := null
inputFloatInternal( f, id )[ oninput = validator(); "" + attribute("oninput")
, all attributes except "oninput" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := checkFloatWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := f.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := checkFloatWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := f.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

function checkIntWellformedness( req: String ): [String]{
var errors: [String] := null;
if( req != null ){
if( /-?\d+/.match( req ) ){
if( req.parseInt() == null ){
errors := [ "Outside of possible number range" ];
errors := [ "Not a valid number" ];
return errors;
template inputajax( i: ref Int ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )
request var errors: [String] := null
inputIntInternal( i, id )[ oninput = validator(); "" + attribute("oninput")
, all attributes except "oninput" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := checkIntWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := i.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := checkIntWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := i.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

function checkLongWellformedness( req: String ): [String]{
var errors: [String] := null;
if( req != null ){
if( /-?\d+/.match( req ) ){
if( req.parseLong() == null ){
errors := [ "Outside of possible number range" ];
errors := [ "Not a valid number" ];
return errors;
template inputajax( l: ref Long ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )
request var errors: [String] := null
inputLongInternal( l, id )[ oninput = validator(); "" + attribute("oninput")
, all attributes except "oninput" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := checkLongWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := l.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := checkLongWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := l.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll(getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ));
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

template inputajax( s: ref Secret ){
inputajax( s as ref String )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( s: ref URL ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )
request var errors: [String] := null
inputURLInternal( s, id )[ oninput = validator(); "" + attribute("oninput")
, all attributes except "oninput" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := checkURLWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := checkURLWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

function checkURLWellformedness( req: String ): [String]{
var errors: [String] := null;
if( req != null ){
if( ! (req as URL).isValid() ){
errors := [ "Malformed URL, make sure the protocol (e.g. http:// or https://) is included" ];
return errors;

template inputajax( s: ref Text ){
inputajax( s as ref String )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( s: ref WikiText ){
inputajax( s as ref String )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( s: ref String ){
request var errors: [String] := null
inputStringInternal( s, id )[ oninput = validator(); "" + attribute("oninput")
, all attributes except "oninput" ]
//handle validations passed in call to this template
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
//ignore-validation prevents regular validation, manually execute validate phase for elements
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );
function checkEmailWellformedness( req: String ): [String]{
var errors: [String] := null;
if( req != null ){
if( ! (req as Email).isValid() ){
errors := [ "Not a valid email address" ];
return errors;
template inputajax( s: ref Email ){
var req := getRequestParameter( id )
request var errors: [String] := null
inputEmailInternal( s, id )[ oninput = validator(); "" + attribute("oninput")
, all attributes except "oninput" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := checkEmailWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := checkEmailWellformedness( req );
if( errors == null ){
errors := s.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

template inputajax( set: ref {Entity} ){
selectcheckboxajax( set, set.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity] ){
selectcheckboxajax( set, from )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( set: ref {Entity}, from: {Entity} ){
selectcheckboxajax( set, [ e in from order by e.name ] )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template selectcheckboxajax( set: ref {Entity} ){
selectcheckboxajax( set, set.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template selectcheckboxajax( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null
inputCheckboxSetInternal( set, from, id )[ onclick = validator(); "" + attribute("onclick")
, all attributes except "onclick" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := set.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := set.getValidationErrors();
//ignore-validation prevents regular validation, manually execute validate phase for elements
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );
template selectajax( ent: ref {Entity} ){
selectajax( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template selectajax( set: ref {Entity}, from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null
inputSelectMultipleInternal( set, from, id )[ onchange = validator(); "" + attribute("onchange")
, all attributes except "onchange" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := set.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := set.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

template inputajax( ent: ref Entity ){
selectajax( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( ent: ref Entity, from: [Entity] ){
selectajax( ent, from )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( ent: ref Entity, from: {Entity} ){
selectajax( ent, [ e in from order by e.name ] )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template selectajax( ent: ref Entity ){
selectajax( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template selectajax( ent: ref Entity, from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null
inputEntityInternal( ent, from, id )[ onchange = validator(); "" + attribute("onchange")
, all attributes except "onchange" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := ent.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := ent.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

template radioajax( ent: ref Entity ){
radioajax( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template radioajax( ent1: ref Entity, ent2: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null
radioInternal( ent1, ent2, id )[ onchange = validator(); "" + attribute("onchange")
, all attributes except "onchange" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := ent1.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := ent1.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

template inputajax( ent: ref [Entity] ){
inputajax( ent, ent.getAllowed() )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( ent: ref [Entity], from: {Entity} ){
inputajax( ent, [ e in from order by e.name ] )[ all attributes ]{ elements }
template inputajax( list: ref [Entity], from: [Entity] ){
request var errors: [String] := null
inputListInternal( list, from, id )[ onchange = validator(); "" + attribute("onchange")
, all attributes except "onchange" ]
validate{ getPage().enterLabelContext( id ); }
validate{ getPage().leaveLabelContext(); }
placeholder "validate" + id{
if( errors != null && errors.length > 0 ){
showMessages( errors )
errors := list.getValidationErrors();
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
action ignore-validation validator(){
errors := list.getValidationErrors();
getPage().enterLabelContext( id );
validatetemplate( elements );
errors.addAll( getPage().getValidationErrorsByName( id ) );
if( errors.length > 0 ){
replace( "validate" + id, showMessages( errors ) );
replace( "validate" + id, noMessages() );

//failed action lookup message

//gets displayed on failed actions (only for ajax)
template actionFailureMessage( msg : String ){
<script>window.actionFailureMessage = "~msg";</script>

//validation message templates

template errorTemplateInput( messages: [String] ){
for( ve in messages ){
block[ style := "color: #FF0000" ]{

template errorTemplateForm( messages: [String] ){
for( ve in messages ){
block[ style := "color: #FF0000;" ]{

template errorTemplateAction( messages: [String] ){
for( ve in messages ){
block[ style := "color: #FF0000;" ]{

template templateSuccess( messages: [String] ){
for( ve in messages ){
block[ style := "color: #BB8800;" ]{

template messages(){
request var list: [String] := List<String>()
list.addAll( getDispatchServlet().getIncomingSuccessMessages() );
list.addAll( getDispatchServlet().getOutgoingSuccessMessages() ); //in case there are new messages created within this request
if(!getPage().isRedirected()){ getDispatchServlet().clearSuccessMessages(); }
if( list.length > 0 ){
templateSuccess( list )

//execute the given javascript when document is ready, _and_ after ajax replace
//the passed node is either the document or the replacement node when using ajax
template postProcess(jsAsString : String){
var post_process_function = function(n){ var node=(n&&n.nodeType === 1)?n:document; ~jsAsString };
var original_post_process_func = ajax_post_process;
ajax_post_process = function(){
$(document).ready( post_process_function );

//page description

template description(){
includeHead( "<meta name='description' content='" + /'/.replaceAll( "&#39;", rendertemplate( elements ) ) + "'>" )

//page not found page

page pagenotfound(){
<h3> "404 Not Found" </h3>

//access denied page

page accessDenied(){
title{ "Access Denied" }
text( "Access Denied: " )
navigate root() { "return to home page" }

//default access control rule

access control rules
rule page accessDenied(){ true }
rule page pagenotfound(){ true }
rule template *(*){ true }

//Because [String] argument will already be part of the URL,
//access control is not necessary for showMessages ajaxtemplate.
//Tampering with the URL will produce an html-escaped echo of the 'list' request parameter.
rule ajaxtemplate showMessages( list: [String] ){ true }
rule ajaxtemplate noMessages(){ true }