module search/search-ui

section pages/templates

page search( namespace:String, q:String ) {
init { SearchPrefs.addToHistory( namespace ); }
showSearch( toSearcher( q, namespace, "" ), namespace, "", 1 )

page doSearch( searcher : EntrySearcher, namespace:String, langCons : String, pageNum: Int ) {
init{ if( searcher.getNamespace() != namespace){ ~searcher in namespace namespace; } }
showSearch( searcher, namespace, langCons, pageNum )

define showSearch( entrySearcher : EntrySearcher, namespace : String, langCons : String, pageNum: Int ) {
var prjName := if ( namespace == "" ) "All projects" else capitalize(namespace);
var source := "/autocompleteService"+"/"+URLFilter.filter( namespace );
var searcher := entrySearcher;
var query := searcher.getQuery();
var caseSensitive := SearchPrefs.caseSensitive;
init {
if( query.length() > 0 && count from searcher > 0 ) { incSearchCount( namespace ); }

if ( query.length() > 0 ) {
title { output( query + " - " + prjName + " | Reposearch" ) }
description { output( "Search results for '" + query + "' in source code repositories of " + prjName) }
} else {
title { output( "Search " + prjName + "'s source code | Reposearch" ) }
description { output( "Search the " + prjName + " source code repositories instantly with the ability to filter on file extension, file location and language construct.") }
mainResponsive( namespace ) {
includeJS( "completion.js" )
includeJS( "jquery.history.js")
/*Fixes encode issue for history.js see: */
// no fix yet

setupcompletion( "~source" );

var updatingResults = false;

var History = window.History;

// Bind to State Change
History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function(){ // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
// Only load the page from address bar if the history state changed by a back/forward action from browser,
// not by our own pushState call during updateResults action
if(updatingResults) {
updatingResults = false;
} else {,'_self','',true);

gridRow { gridCol( 12 ) {
wellSmall {
gridCol( 10,1 ) {
gridRow {
gridCol( 8 ) {
formEntry( "Search " + prjName ) { <span class="ui-widget">input( query ) [autocomplete="off", autofocus="", id="searchfield", oninput="$(this).keyup();", onkeyup=updateResults(), type="search"] </span>}
gridCol( 4 ) {
formEntry( "Results per page" ) {
placeholder "paginationOptions" {
paginationButtons( searcher, namespace, langCons )
gridRow { gridCol(12){
input( SearchPrefs.caseSensitive ) [onclick=updateResults(), title="Case sensitive search"]{"case sensitive"}
" " input( SearchPrefs.exactMatch ) [onclick=updateResults(), title="If enabled, the exact sequence of characters is matched in that order(recommended)"]{"exact match"}
" " submitlink action{return search( namespace,query );} [class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"] { iSearch " search" }
} }
// gridRow{ gridCol( 12 ) {
placeholder "facetArea" {
if( searcher.getQuery().length() > 0 ) { viewFacets( searcher, namespace, langCons ) }
// } }

} }
placeholder "resultArea" {
if( searcher.getQuery().length() > 0 ) { paginatedTemplate( searcher, pageNum, namespace, langCons ) }
else { prettifyCode } // force correct imports
action updateResults() {
if( query.length() > 2 ) {
searcher := toSearcher( query,namespace, "" ); //update with entered query, discard lang construct constraint
if( count from searcher > 0 ){
var queryJs := query.escapeJavaScript();
//replace url without causing page reload
log("URL: " + navigate( doSearch( searcher, namespace, langCons, 1 ) ));
"window.updatingResults = true; History.pushState({},'" + queryJs + " - " + prjName + " | Reposearch" + "','" + navigate( doSearch( searcher, namespace, langCons, 1 ) ) + "');"

incSearchCount( namespace );
updateAreas( searcher, 1, namespace, "" );
replace( "paginationOptions", paginationButtons( searcher, namespace, "" ) );
} else {
clear( "resultArea" );
clear( "facetArea" );

function updateAreas( searcher : EntrySearcher, page : Int, namespace : String, langCons : String ) {
replace( "facetArea", viewFacets( searcher, namespace, langCons ) );
replace( "resultArea", paginatedTemplate( searcher, page, namespace, langCons ) );

define navWithAnchor( n:String,a:String ) {
<a all attributes href=n+"#"+a> elements </a>

define ajax highlightedResultToggled( e : Entry, searcher : EntrySearcher, nOfFragments : Int, langCons : String ) {
highlightedResult( e, searcher, nOfFragments, langCons )
prettifyCode( e.projectname )

define highlightedResult( e : Entry, searcher : EntrySearcher, nOfFragments : Int, langCons : String ) {
var highlightedContent : List<List<String>>;
var ruleOffset : String;
var linkText := "";
var toggleText := if( nOfFragments != 10 ) "more fragments" else "less fragments";
var location := e.url.substring( 0, e.url.length() - );
var viewFileUri := navigate( viewFile( searcher.getQuery(), e.url, e.projectname, langCons ) );
init {
linkText := searcher.highlight( "fileName",, "<span class=\"hlcontent\">","</span>", 1, 256, "" );
if( linkText.length() < 1 ) {
linkText :=;
highlightedContent := highlightCodeLines( searcher, e, 150, nOfFragments, false, viewFileUri, langCons );

if( highlightedContent[0].length < 1 ) {
ruleOffset := "1";
} else {
ruleOffset := /.+#(\d+|\?).>.*/.replaceFirst("$1",highlightedContent[0][0]);
gridRow { gridCol(12){
navWithAnchor( viewFileUri , ruleOffset ) {
rawoutput( if( linkText.length() >0 ) linkText else "-" )
pullRight { div[class="repoFolderLocation"]{ output( location ) } }
} }
gridRow { gridCol(12){
<div class="search-result-highlight">
<div class="linenumberarea" style="left: 0em; width: 3.1em;">rawoutput( highlightedContent[0].concat( "<br />" ) ) </div>
<div class="code-area" style="left: 3.1em;"><pre class="prettyprint" style="WHITE-SPACE: pre">rawoutput( highlightedContent[1].concat( "<br />" ) ) </pre></div>
</ div>
} }

submitlink toggleAllFragments() { buttonMini { output( toggleText ) } }
action toggleAllFragments() {
if( nOfFragments != 10 ) {replace( "result-"+e.url, highlightedResultToggled( e, searcher, 10, langCons ) ); }
else {replace( "result-"+e.url, highlightedResultToggled( e, searcher, 3, langCons ) ); }

define ajax paginatedTemplate( searcher :EntrySearcher, pageNum : Int, ns : String, langCons : String ) {
if( searcher.getQuery().length() > 0 ) {
paginatedResults( searcher, pageNum, ns, langCons )
prettifyCode( ns )

define ajax viewFacets( searcher : EntrySearcher, namespace : String, langCons : String ) {
var selected := searcher.getFacetSelection();
var path_hasSel := false;
var ext_hasSel := false;
var lc_hasSel := langCons.length() > 0;
// var prj := findProject( namespace );
var path_selection := List<Facet>();
var langConsFacets := getLanguageConstructFacets( searcher );
init {
for( f : Facet in selected ) {
if( f.getFieldName() == "fileExt" && !f.isMustNot() ) {
ext_hasSel := true;
} else {
if( f.getFieldName() == "repoPath" ) {
path_selection.add( f );
if( !f.isMustNot() ) {
path_hasSel := true;
// formActions {
div[class="facet-area"]{ gridRow{ gridCol(10,1){
if(namespace == ""){
gridRow{ gridCol(12){
formEntry( "Project" ){ div {
for( f : Facet in ~"_WebDSLNamespaceID_" facets from searcher order by f.getValue() ) {
pullLeft {
buttonGroup {div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs"]{ includeFacetSym() } navigate doSearch( searcher, f.getValue(), langCons, 1 )[class="btn btn-default btn-xs"]{ output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")" }}
} }
} }

gridCol( 7 ) {
formEntry( "File extension" ) { div{
for( f : Facet in fileExt facets from searcher ) { pullLeft { showFacet( searcher, f, ext_hasSel, namespace, langCons ) } }
} }

gridCol( 5 ) {
if( langConsFacets.length > 0 ) {
formEntry( "Language construct" ) { div{
for( f : Facet in langConsFacets order by f.getValue() ) {
pullLeft {
if( lc_hasSel ) {
if( f.getValue() == langCons ) {
navigate search( namespace, searcher.getQuery() ) { buttonGroup { buttonMini{excludeFacetSym() } buttonMini{ output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")" } } }
} else {
submitlink updateResults( f.getValue() ){ buttonGroup{ div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs disabled"]{ includeFacetSym() } div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs disabled"]{ output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")" }} }
} else {
submitlink updateResults( f.getValue() ) { buttonGroup {buttonMini{ includeFacetSym() } buttonMini{ output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")" }}}
} }

gridRow{ gridCol(12){
formEntry( "File location" ) {
placeholder "repoPathPh" {
showPathFacets( searcher, path_hasSel, namespace, false, langCons )
for( f : Facet in path_selection ) { showFacet( searcher, f, path_hasSel, namespace, langCons ) }
} }
// }
} } }
action updateResults( langConstructName : String ) {
var p := findLangConstruct( langConstructName );
if( lc_hasSel ) {
return doSearch( p.replaceLangConstructConstraint( searcher ), namespace,, 1 );
} else {
p.addLangConstructConstraint( searcher );
return doSearch( searcher , namespace,, 1 );

define ajax showPathFacets( searcher : EntrySearcher, hasSelection : Bool, namespace : String, show : Bool, langCons : String ) {
if( show ) {
submitlink action {replace( "repoPathPh", showPathFacets( searcher, hasSelection, namespace, false, langCons ) );} [class="btn btn-default btn-sm"] {"collapse"}
<br />
div {
for( f : Facet in interestingPathFacets( searcher ) ) {
gridRow {
showFacet( searcher, f, hasSelection, namespace, langCons )
} else {
submitlink action {replace( "repoPathPh", showPathFacets( searcher, hasSelection, namespace, true, langCons ) );} [class="btn btn-default btn-sm"] {"expand"}

define showFacet(entrysearcher : EntrySearcher, f : Facet, hasSelection : Bool, namespace : String, langCons : String ) {
if( f.isMustNot() || ( !f.isSelected() && hasSelection ) ) {
if( f.isSelected() ) {
submitlink updateResults( entrysearcher.removeFacetSelection( f ) ) { buttonGroup {div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs disabled"]{includeFacetSym() } div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs disabled"]{output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")"}}}
} else {
submitlink updateResults( ~entrysearcher matching f.should() ) { buttonGroup {div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs disabled"]{includeFacetSym() } div[class="btn btn-default btn-xs disabled"]{ output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")"}}}
} else {
if( f.isSelected() ) {
submitlink updateResults( entrysearcher.removeFacetSelection( f ) ) { buttonGroup { buttonMini{excludeFacetSym() } buttonMini{output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ") "} } }
} else {
buttonGroup {
submitlink updateResults( ~entrysearcher matching f.mustNot() ) [class="btn btn-default btn-xs"]{ excludeFacetSym() } " "
submitlink updateResults( ~entrysearcher matching f.should() ) [class="btn btn-default btn-xs"]{ output( f.getValue() ) " (" output( f.getCount() ) ")"}
" "
action updateResults( searcher : EntrySearcher ) {
return doSearch( searcher, namespace, langCons, 1 );

define excludeFacetSym() {
rawoutput( "&times;" )
define includeFacetSym() {

define ajax paginatedResults( searcher : EntrySearcher, pagenumber : Int, namespace : String, langCons : String ) {
var resultsPerPage := SearchPrefs.resultsPerPage;
var resultList := results from ~searcher offset( ( pagenumber - 1 ) * resultsPerPage ) limit resultsPerPage;
var size := count from searcher;
var lastResult := size;
var current : Int;
init {
if( size > pagenumber*resultsPerPage ) {
lastResult := pagenumber * resultsPerPage;

if( searcher.getQuery().length() >0 ) {
trackEvent(namespace, "Search")
gridRow { gridCol(12){
pullLeft {
pageIndex( pagenumber, size, resultsPerPage, 12, 3 )
} pullRight{
if( size > 0 ) {
<strong> output( size ) " results" </strong> " found in " output( searchtime from searcher ) ", displaying results " output( ( pagenumber-1 ) *resultsPerPage + 1 ) "-" output( lastResult )
} else {
"no results found"
gridRow { gridCol(12){
for( e : Entry in resultList ) {
wellSmall {
placeholder "result-"+e.url {highlightedResult( e, searcher, 3, langCons ) }
} }
gridRow { gridCol(12) { pullLeft{
pageIndex( pagenumber, size, resultsPerPage, 12, 3 )
} } }
define pageIndexLink( page: Int, lab : String ) {
navigate( doSearch( searcher, namespace, langCons, page ) ) { output( lab ) }

define ajax paginationButtons( searcher : EntrySearcher, namespace : String, langCons : String ) {
var limit := SearchPrefs.resultsPerPage;
buttonGroup[data-toggle="buttons-radio"] {
for( i : Int in [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500] ) {
submitlink action { SearchPrefs.resultsPerPage := i; updateAreas( searcher, 1, namespace, langCons ); } [class="btn btn-default btn-sm", id="limit"+i] { output( i ) }
$ ( "#limit~limit" ).button( 'toggle' );