module entry/entry

section entities

entity Entry {
name :: String
content :: Text (length=100000000)
url :: URL (length=511)
projectname :: String
repo -> Repo
search mapping Entry {
+ content using keep_all_chars as content
+ content using keep_all_chars_cs as contentCase ^ 50.0
content using code_identifiers_cs as codeIdentifiers ( autocomplete )
+ name using filename_analyzer as fileName ^ 100.0 ( autocomplete )
name using extension_analyzer as fileExt
url using path_analyzer as repoPath
constructs with depth 1
namespace by projectname

section pages/templates

//backwards compatibility
page showFile( searcher : EntrySearcher, e : Entry ) {
init {return viewFile( searcher.getQuery(),e.url, e.projectname, "" );}

page viewFile( query : String, url:URL, projectName:String, langCons : String ) {
var e : Entry;
var viewFileUri := navigate( viewFile( query, url, projectName, langCons ) );
var linkText := "";
var location : String;
var lineNumbers : String;
var codeLines : String;
var highlighted : List<List<String>>;
var searcher := toSearcher( query, "", langCons );
init {
var entries:= ( from Entry as e where e.url=~url and e.projectname = ~projectName );
if(entries.length < 1){
return pagenotfound();
} else {
e := entries[0];
linkText := searcher.highlight( "fileName",, "<span class=\"hlcontent\">","</span>", 1, 256, "" );
if( linkText.length() < 1 ) { linkText :=; }
location := e.url.substring( 0, e.url.length() - );
highlighted := highlightCodeLines( searcher, e, 1000000, 1, true, viewFileUri, langCons );
lineNumbers := highlighted[0].concat( "<br />" );
codeLines := highlighted[1].concat( "<br />" );
//add line number anchors
lineNumbers := /> ( \d+ ) </.replaceAll( ">$1<a class=shift-top name=\"$1\"/><", lineNumbers );
title { output( + ":" + query + " - " + projectName + " | Reposearch" ) }
description { output (
"Source code of file: " + +
", project: " + projectName +
", query: " + query +
", repository url: " + e.url)

trackEvent( projectName, "View file" )

mainResponsive( projectName ) {
wellSmall {
navigate( url( e.url ) ) {
<b>rawoutput( if( linkText.length() >0 ) linkText else "-" ) </b>
pullRight { div[class="repoFolderLocation"]{ output( location ) } }

<div class="search-result-highlight">
<div class="linenumberarea" style="left: 0em; width: 3.1em;">rawoutput( lineNumbers ) </div>
<div class="code-area" style="left: 3.1em;" id="code-area"><pre class="prettyprint" style="WHITE-SPACE: pre">rawoutput( codeLines ) </pre></div>
</ div>
prettifyCode( projectName )